Lester BrownAuthor and environmentalist Lester Brown is on a mission to spread to message that countries need to drastically curb their carbon emmissions. It’s a tough job.

His book, Who Will Feed China (1995), led to him being made persona non grata for a while in China until the message sank in and he was invited to return.

His message of encouraging governments to drastically curtail carbon emmission is a hard one to swallow, given most if not all countries equate rapid economic growth and industrialization with the health of their countries.

Brown grew up on a farm in the United States with no running water or electricity and has a deep understanding of agriculture.

Brown sees sustainable development as the critical issue of our time.

In this video, he journeys to give talks around the world to spread the message.

Watch Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization on PBS. See more from Journey to Planet Earth.

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