oceansVoyage Reveals ‘Planetary Scale’ of Plastic in Oceans
A groundbreaking marine voyage by scientific vessel Tara reveals the disturbing state of the world’s plastic-filled oceans.

The Tara just completed a 70,000-mile journey over two and a half years, going from the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific and the Antarctic with the goal of studying “planktonic and coral ecosystems in the perspective of climate changes,” noting that “Studying plankton is like taking the pulse of our planet.” The researchers recorded 1.5 million species of marine micro-organisms, more than previously were thought to have existed.

But what the research team also found in the the Southern Ocean and Antarctica was the frightening, planetary reach of plastic in the world’s waters.

Oil company pays for Brazil spills
Chevron Corp has paid a multimillion dollar fine for several “irregularities” in connection with last year’s oil spill off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency said.

SoloPower, Solar Company With U.S. Loan Guarantee, Opens Factory

U.S. solar start-up SoloPower opened the doors of its first factory, a key milestone toward allowing the company to collect on a $197 million government loan guarantee.

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