The Big Six Energy Bash
Around 300 people took part in a protest at the UK Energy Summit.

Environmentalists in Canada plan sit-in to protest Northern Gateway
Environmentalists are organizing what they’re calling the “largest act of peaceful civil disobedience” in Canada to protest the proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline from Alberta to the B.C. coast. Greenpeace Canada says a mass sit-in planned for the front lawn of the B.C. legislature in Victoria on Oct. 22 is backed by more than 80 leaders from the business, First Nations, environmental, labour and academic communities across Canada.

Plastic bag ban in Delhi
The government of India’s capital is hoping that a strict ban on plastic bags will help the environment.
An engineer with Delhi’s government says that starting next week, the manufacture and sale of all types of plastic sheets and bags will be banned in the city, citing their environmental dangers.

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