Earth TribeTo many people who hear about Miranda Gibson’s vigil up a tree, there is a sense that here is a life on hold. Stuck up a tree, Miranda is unable to work or lead a normal life. Winter has arrived, the snow is falling, and she is all alone.

Miranda Gibson
Miranda Gibson in the snow up Observer Tree. Photo:
Miranda may on occasions have her doubts as she pursues her vigil up the Observer Tree to draw attention to the endangered forests around her. But she is probably more engaged with the world than many people will be in their lifetime. The courage to take such an extreme action and help shine a spotlight on the devastating logging taking place in Tasmania, Australia is an example to be looked up to and cheered.

We all should be up that tree with Miranda.

Miranda ascended the tree on December 14, 2011 and has not come down. Like American “tree sitter” Julia Butterfly Hill who spent two years up a tree in California in the 1990s, Miranda is sending a message that the government should be holding true to a promise to protest the forests. Yet logging companies continue to lay waste to vast areas of trees in what should be protected wilderness.

Forest destruction
Forest destruction. Photo: The Last Stand
As Miranda told Earth Tribe a few months ago, the forest that she is is in was promised protection back in August 2011. “Our State and Federal governments signed an agreement that promised an ‘immediate conservation agreement’ to cover 430,000 hectares of forest,” she said. “Many people around the country believed that the forests were safe. Yet logging continued as fiercely as ever in these areas. When I found out that this area was up on the chopping block, I knew that something had to be done. I couldn’t stand by and let the logging continue. It is absolutely outrageous that while the forest negotiations are taking place in Tasmania, they are destroying the very forests they are talking about protecting.”

Miranda’s vigil has been attracting media attention but more needs to be done to send a message to the Tasmania authorities and the Australain government that the destruction of the forests should stop.

Miranda Gibson
Miranda Gibson. Photo: The Last Stand
Miranda needs people’s support but also financial support.

Check out her call HERE.

Check out what the allied campaigns are doing – The Last Stand and Ta Ann, the latter targeting the company exporting the wood.

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