“Years of Living Dangerously” is a groundbreaking documentary event series exploring the human impact of climate change. This innovative docu-series is a collaboration between some of Hollywood’s biggest stars and leading national news journalists, who will provide reports of people affected by, and seeking solutions to, climate change. The series will be made up of eight one-hour segments and is set to air in 2014 on SHOWTIME.
As executive producer James Cameron says: “It’s about me. It’s about you. It’s about us.”
Cameron, known for his Hollywood blockbuster, “Avatar,” and for a passion for deep sea diving is on a mission – to communicate the reality of climate change to the world.
“This is the biggest story of our time,” Cameron says. The eight-part series, which premieres in April, will “report on the crippling effects of climate change-related weather events and the ways individuals, communities, companies and governments are struggling to find solutions to the biggest threat our world has ever faced,” according to the show’s website.
Cameron gets a range of stars to go out and report, including – journalists Thomas Friedman, Chris Hayes and Lesley Stahl and actors like Don Cheadle, Olivia Munn, Matt Damon and many others.
“This is 100 percent a people story,” says Cameron.
The makers of the film series claim this is climate change conveyed like you have never seen it before – bringing home the reality that we must make dramatic changes to how we act on this planet if we are to avoid, or at least reduce, the fallout.
Insight into one participant’s segment
Check out the Years of Living Dangerously website.