BOOKSDave Pollard runs an informative blog called, How to Save the World, that looks in depth at some of the key issues of our time. Pollard has read a lot of books in his time and thought it useful to offer a guide to key issues concerning Man’s place on Earth, his effects on Earth, and preparing for the collapse. Yes, a collapse is coming.

He writes:

When I started blogging ten years ago, in February 2003, I was told (and believed) I was a success — as a writer, innovative thinker and business “executive”. But after 30 years on the sidelines of the environmental movement, I felt lost, as if I had somehow lost my way and didn’t recall when that had happened. I began to research what was really going on in the world, and why, after the heady idealism of the 1960s, my generation seemed to have made things unimaginably worse, not better.

My inquiries led me to explore particularly two things:

1. How the world really works (socially, politically, ecologically) as contrasted to the simplistic way the media seemed to be portraying it, and

2. How we, the human species, really ‘work’ — why has our civilization culture come to be what it is, what motivates us to do what we do, and who are we, really?

To real his full rundown and his list of books that all environmentalists, activists and socially-conscious people should read, check out Save the World Reading List 2013.